BIE (BioEnergetic
Intolerance Elimination)

Energetic balance for
symptom relief.




According to the World Health Organization (WHO), 90% of all illness is directly related to stress.

Every substance that exists has its own vibrational frequency. When your body is imbalanced, it may not recognize the frequencies of various substances. This ultimately causes stress on the body. The more exposure we have to stressing energies, from foods, pollens, danders, dusts, molds, chemicals, etc., the more we store these stressing energies in our cells which leads to homeostatic imbalances. This can lead to a multitude of health challenges.

These discordant energies are simply referred to as stressors. Stressors are mistaken for harmful invaders and rejected by the body by means of the immune system or other metabolic processes.

BIE is a patented modality, which uses energy medicine principles. Using the GSR-120 unit, energy is directed at various acupuncture points on the body, enabling the body to achieve homeostasis.

BIE has helped alleviate symptoms related to:

  • Allergies

  • Arthritis or gout

  • Headaches or migraines

  • Digestive disorders

  • Fatigue

  • Hormonal imbalances

  • Constipation or diarrhea

  • Restless sleep or insomnia

  • Bad breath or body odor

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Weight gain

  • Acne or rash

  • Learning disabilities

  • Nightly urination

*We do not support any claims to diagnose, treat, cure any medical condition or disease*




Almost everything that enters the body, does so through the mouth; we eat, drink and breath in both nutrients and toxins. Appointments include discussing the incorporation of healthier, whole food options with clients. Eating habits, lifestyle, stress, sleep and exercise are all discussed as they all play vital roles in optimal health.




In addition to BIE, we now offer high quality supplements, bars and cleanses from Designs for Health. Designs for Health is committed to effective, quality products that contribute to lifelong health and wellness. To order, visit our eStore.


If you want to change your life, change your life.

- Jen Sincero

Start a new relationship with yourself now.