One of the best things you can do to improve the world is improve yourself.

- Jen Sincero


Everyday Changes to Improve Your Health


01 — Sleep

Sleep is when our bodies clean house, rebuild and repair. Getting good sleep is something to fight for. It’s important to create healthy habits around sleep. Check out the blog for more on improving your sleep.

02 — Drink (Clean) Water

It sounds so simple, and yet most people are chronically dehydrated. Water does more for us than most people realize, including give us energy. As a starting point, take your weight in pounds and divide that number by two. This is how many ounces you should be drinking every day; more if you workout or it’s hot. See the blog for more on why water is so important and how to get clean water.

03 — Eat (Real) Healthful Foods

The closer food is to the original source (carrots vs carrot cake), the more real, nutritious and health promoting it is. The less messed with by pesticides, herbicides, hormones, chemicals, processing, etc., the more nutrients and less toxins it contains. This means it not only fuels, but also nourishes you. This is what you want. Check out the blog for more on healthy fats, proteins, and carbs.

04 — Manage Stress

When I studied nutrition, every condition that we studied listed stress as a contributing factor, or straight up cause. That’s when I realized the saying about stress being a killer, is true! So, pray, meditate, run, swim, say affirmations, take regular baths or get regular massages; whatever helps you manage the stress in your life, do it.

05 — Move

Call it exercise if you want, but you don’t have to hit the gym or run a marathon to be healthy. My neighbor in high school, was still driving in her 90’s. Her secret? She had a dog that she walked twice a day. Walking is very healthy and it gets you off your bum. You can go swing dancing, or rock climbing, take a ballet class, go for regular hikes. The key is to find something active that you enjoy and do it regularly. See more in the blog.

06 — Reduce EMF Exposure

We live in a wonderful, technologically advanced time. There are so many amazing things that all our devices can do. It’s unfortunate, that this comes with the presence of electromagnetic radiation, though, which can have harmful effects on the body. Minimizing exposure, and protecting yourself against the exposure you do experience is helpful for all, but especially helpful for individuals who are sensitive to the effects of EMF exposure. See more about ways to mitigate your EMF exposure in the blog.

Your external world is a mirror
of your interior world.

- Jen Sincero