My health journey

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Growing up, I thought I was healthy

Looking back, I was a bit of a wreck


Whenever I’d go to the doctor for check ups, they would say I was in good health. My blood pressure was great, my weight was usually in the healthy range, and I didn’t have any glaring issues.


- I’ve suffered from headaches and migraines since childhood.

- I didn’t realize I was constipated as a child, until I learned about signs of dehydration and what healthy elimination looks like.

- I used to have extremely painful menstrual cramps.

- When I was taking two to three hour naps every day after school for a couple weeks in high school, I told my mom I thought something was wrong. She took me to my doctor, who ordered some blood work. When the results came in, he said I wasn’t anemic, but I could take iron. That’s it? Why am I so extremely tired, if I’m not anemic?

- My legs used to itch. Weird, right? I assumed it was because I was a swimmer and the chlorine was drying out my skin. But the itching continued after I stopped swimming..

- I didn’t know the terms fatigue and brain fog, but I had both of these issues through most of college.

So, no I didn’t have any glaring issues, and I was generally in good health, but definitely not in optimal health.

I attribute the beginning of my health journey, to a time in college where my weight got to the point that I was physically uncomfortable in my body. I had been mentally uncomfortable in my skin for a long time (thank you societal ideas of what women should look like). But being physically uncomfortable, was new and enough motivation for me to make some changes to my eating habits. I made simple changes, of cutting out obviously unhealthy foods, cutting down on my eating, especially at dinner, and getting moving. I started out by walking a mile, five days a week. After a time, I started walking two miles a day, five days a week. After a little more time, I joined a gym that was on my way home from work. I knew that if I went home first, I wouldn’t go back out. Joining a gym on the way, set me up for success. I lost some weight, gained some energy and confidence; and decided I wanted lifelong changes.

But my journey kicked into high gear when I went to a naturopathic doctor. After assessing me, she overhauled my diet and had me taking plant based supplements. Within a matter of a couple days, so many of my symptoms of sub-optimal health improved. Symptoms that, at the time, I didn’t even realize were symptoms. My brain fog went away. It was clear inside my head! My fatigue went away. I was actually awake, when I was awake! My constipation was resolved as things got moving! And my skin stopped itching! I started experiencing and enjoying life on a whole new level!


Chinese Herbs

I have much more mental focus and physical energy throughout the day. 

I believe that energetic balance (homeostasis), healthful eating habits and an active lifestyle are vital to a long and fulfilling life.


  • Registered BioEnergetic Practitioner (R.BIE) - Institute of Natural Health Technologies

  • Certified Nutrition Consultant (NC) - Bauman College

  • Bachelor of Science in Child Development - California Polytechnic State University SLO

What People Are Saying

I have had very bad seasonal allergies. I also have had a building issue with certain foods and do not know which ones they are. I also don’t like to take over the counter medications due to a general sensitivity to most medications and I always try to seek the natural alternative.

I don’t have severe seasonal allergy problems anymore, and also seem to be able to eat certain foods now that I didn’t tolerate well before.

I hope that anyone that has to take allergy medicine every day and add more for relief and it still makes you miserable or not eat certain foods anymore that they should seek to solve the issue not brush it under the rug. Just solve it with BIE. It really works!

-Beth H

I had issues with sensitivity to some foods and allergy to my dog. I was looking for a solution that didn't involve taking more medication. Heather/BIE was that solution hands down.

All reactions to any foods have either been eliminated or have been greatly reduced. All allergy reaction to my dog, blowing my nose for 30 minutes every morning have been greatly reduced to a few sniffles every now and again.

Now I'm ready to tackle other issues of concern with her. 

- July S


I was allergic to cats for thirty years and had issues when visiting friends with dogs.

I now have a cat! And no issues! I am also fine when I visit my friends with dogs!

Heather was also able to identify some foods that were problematic for me, including dairy. After my BIE sessions, I lost weight and no longer have phlegm. BIE is great! Heather is the Holistic Ninja!

- Shanon T

WOW!  I was so impressed with Heather and her consultation.  I have some bad allergies that I know about which she was able to detect without me telling her which was super impressive and then she also discovered some foods that my body is having difficulty processing.  After her BioEnergetics treatment I felt much better and am not as sensitive to grains and beans.  Thanks Heather!

- Devin K

Take care of yourself as if you’re the most awesome person you’ve ever met.

- Jen Sincero

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