Journey towards optimal health.



Invest in your current and future vitality

When you are functioning at your highest capacity, you are in a better position not only to enjoy your own life, but to actively engage with others. When you are feeling and functioning well, you can participate in and enjoy more of life. And you are in a better position to serve those around you; whether that means being more productive at work, doing more for and with your family, or having the energy left over after work and family to give back to your community. Life throws a lot at us, and we all need the help of others from time to time. How great to be able to be the one giving help?

It is in this spirit, that I do what I do. I have been greatly helped by the kindness, and generosity of friends and family; as well as the expertise of many holistic and complimentary practitioners. I have also discovered many products and practices (some shared with me by those same friends/family/professionals) that have been beneficial in my life. All of the products and services that I offer or refer to, have been beneficial in my own life, and I offer them with great confidence.

Not everyone will need all of these products and services, but you might benefit from one or two of them. So, look around and see what resonates with you.

My desire is to see you achieve increased health and vitality.

My health journey has allowed for a greater enjoyment of life as well as an increased capacity to pour into others.

To good health!


Small changes add up.

We live in a stressful and toxic world. Sometimes, we need the assistance of professional services such as BIE, chiropractics, acupuncture, functional medicine, and massage.

But there are also things we can do, on our own, to start addressing the stress and toxic load on our bodies, and support optimal health. Many of these strategies are discussed in the resources section.

“Helped me with a lot of problems. I can eat dairy products now. Caffeine & chocolate. I sleep at night now. No more restless legs. No headaches from Northwinds. Helped me with my fibromyalgia. I can get out of bed without hurting and swollen and stiff hands & ankles. All in all I am very pleased & happy with the results. Thank you Heather Lee for being so sweet & helpful! :) Will go back if need again sometime.”
